
Mitsubishi Lossnay Ventilation - Innovation Centre

Mitsubishi Lossnay Logo Case Study

Air Options maintain a MVHR system in a dynamic workspace close to Stanstead Airport (Essex), purpose built with design and ergonomic working at the forefront. With an architectural approach taken to its design it has fresh air supplied to all floors via a ducted Mitsubishi Lossnay system.

Whilst Air Options did not install this MVHR system we are able to offer an extensive maintenance regime as we are Mitsubishi Electric accredited and are able to ensure the Mitsubishi Electric Lossnay system is firing on all cylinders all year round. Here at Air Options we are happy to maintain and service existing installations that are not installed by our installation team.

The 49,000 sq ft HQ was custom built for a large house building developer requiring out of hours servicing all year round, therefore the planned maintenance and servicing is carried out between 6PM and 2AM, bi-annually. This ensures maximum efficiency for their staff at HQ as there is no downtime within their working day but also allows our engineers to maximise efficiency and quality of our work, whilst complying with health and safety requirements.

By carrying out regular planned maintenance to Mitsubishi Electric air conditioning and Mitsubishi Electric Lossnay systems we have been able to reduce costly breakdowns for this house building giant whilst also ensuring their space is running at maximum cost efficiency.

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Key project points
  • Building: Modern Construction
  • Locaction: Essex
  • Manufacturer: Mitsubishi Electric
  • Ventilation: Lossnay
  • Filtration: Standard Fitment
  • Objectives: Cleanliness and Air Quality
  • Budget: £9K Per Annum