
Air Conditioning Fault Diagnosis

Should you be experiencing problems with a faulty air conditioning system, why not try our handy air conditioning fault diagnosis guide (below). This lists a range of common air conditioning faults and will hopefully allow you to identify what is wrong with your system, and whether you simply need our advice or a visit from one of our friendly air conditioning repair engineers.

In some instances, the issues you are experiencing may not be caused by a fault and could simply be down to flat batteries in your system’s handheld remote (where applicable), or the fact that your system has been switched off for longer than usual. With this in mind, we would always advise you to install some fresh batteries in your system’s handheld remote, and if your system has not been in use, you allow your system some time to bring the space to the required temperature.

Following this, If your problem still persists, or you are in any way unsure, please feel free to contact our friendly office staff who will be more than happy to help.